30 July 2009

Country Churches of NZ 33. All Saints', Manaia, Coromandel Peninsula

I wrote and illustrated Country Churches of New Zealand. It was published in 2002 by New Holland, Publishers and is still on sale in bookshops. The publishers have kindly agreed to me re-publishing some of the book’s images and descriptions in this blog.

From the Coromandel Peninsula, through the Bay of Plenty to Gisborne I visited and illustrated a number of small churches. But I had great difficulty gathering historical information about many of them and so my commentaries are often confined simply to impressions gained from each subject on the day of my visit.

'All Saints' Church looks over Manaia Harbour flats with mauve hills beyond.

'Front door doesn't need to be locked; it's jammed tightly at the bottom. Inside, a couple of old brooms against the wall, bristles almost eroded to nothing.

'The structure is racked, ends of horizontal boards pulled from their verticals. White nave with pale lime green ceiling, 13 pews, simple sanctuary, white linen-covered altar with brass cross before east window (Gothic arch with trefoil below which is divided into three smaller Gothic arches). Bunches of fresh flowers in vases either side of sanctuary (which means that despite its tiredness the church is tended).

‘Simple pulpit elevated just enough to get the vicar above the congregation. Tiny organ covered by tablecloth; white stone font.

'A plate on the north wall is dedicated to four of the Pareone family: "For over 50 years ... faithful members of this church erected by their families".

'Kids by the bridge along the road shout "Hi mister!". I wave a brush at them. They say excitedly: "He waved to us!" as if I were a Martian. Marae down side lane; comfortable houses along an unsealed road,'




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