11 August 2009

Country Churches of NZ 122. Holy Trinity, Winton, Southland

I wrote and illustrated Country Churches of New Zealand. It was published in 2002 by New Holland, Publishers and is still on sale in bookshops. The publishers have kindly agreed to me re-publishing some of the book’s images and descriptions in this blog.

From Riverton I turned north to inspect a couple of wooden churches in inland Southland and then did some tortuous to-ing and fro-ing through Central Otago. Once into the gold bearing hills of 'Central' with its screes and riverbeds of loose-layered schist and lake shores of rounded rocks, I found a far greater number of stone churches than anywhere else on my grand tour. While the goldfields had short lives, and the horny-handed miners moved on without a backward glance, their little churches long outlived them, many to be restored and cherished for their historical value.
Winton is a proud little town conscious of its history, and its people are now keen to preserve surviving historic buildings.

They almost lost the picturesque 1876 church, Holy Trinity, but saved it just in time and it has been well maintained since its re-dedication on 20 December 1981.

Although there's little space between its nave and the main street, it can claim to be on its original site. The architect was F. W. Burwell and the builders were Price and Shadrow.


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