05 February 2011

New Zealand Odyssey, Memorials at Colville, Coromandel Peninsula

'New Zealand Odyssey', published in 1989 by Heinemann, was authored by me, Don Donovan (who did the text and illustrations) and Euan Sarginson, who did the photography and design. In this series of blog posts, I will publish some of my drawings.

 Most country towns in New Zealand have their war memorial halls, fitting and useful tributes to citizens who died in the Great War and the Second World War, and later conflicts such as Korea and Vietnam. They were usually paid for by subscription from a grateful community with materials and labour contributed willingly by local worthies. Colville is no different; indeed, on the day I drew this - sometime in 1987 - a patriotic flag was flying bravely if listlessly to commemorate some recent event: Anzac Day, perhaps?

Elsewhere in Colville, stood these wonderful petrol pumps, two old ladies faded but insistently reminding of us of a time when petrol was a shilling a gallon. Never again!


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