21 May 2011

New Zealand Odyssey: ERG Battery Roof, Riverlands, Marlborough

'New Zealand Odyssey', published in 1989 by Heinemann, was authored by me, Don Donovan (who did the text and illustrations) and Euan Sarginson, who did the photography and design. In this series of blog posts, I will publish some of my drawings.

I haven't seen a roof advertisement like this for a long time but in 1988 they were quite common. I suppose a little man traveled round the country offering owners a small sum for the use of their roofs, and provided the farmer, or whoever it was, was happy to proclaim the odd brand name it was probably a good deal if for no other reason than that he got his roof painted. (Come to think of it I have a roof today that I'd be willing to rent out!).

I haven't hear of an Erg battery recently but it used to be a big brand and I'm sure I must have had one in my 1929 Austin Seven, 1936 Ford 8, 1947 Vauxhall 12, 1952 Morris Minor; I won't go on, I'm showing my dotage!


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