20 July 2011

New Zealand Odyssey: The Red Post, Culverden

'New Zealand Odyssey', published in 1989 by Heinemann, was authored by me, Don Donovan (who did the text and illustrations) and Euan Sarginson, who did the photography and design. In this series of blog posts, I will publish some of my drawings.

The thing that fascinated me about this fork in the road from Christchurch to Hanmer (left) or Waiau (right) was the red post stuck in the ground on the other side of the road (under the sign). It was a survey marker the original of which was installed in 1871. Because it was red, the area around it was known simply as 'The Red Post'.  It was even included as that in railway plans until the name was superseded later by Culverden.

It's still known as Red Post Corner and the post, which some twit once painted yellow, is still there and painted red again. (Or it was in about 1987). Is it still there?


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