22 January 2012

New Zealand Odyssey: William's Cottage, Marine Parade, Queenstown

'New Zealand Odyssey', published in 1989 by Heinemann, was authored by me, Don Donovan (who did the text and illustrations) and Euan Sarginson, who did the photography and design. In this series of blog posts, I will publish some of my drawings.

In 1988 when I did this illustration a stiff wind could have blown down this neglected 'sore-thumb' rusty-roofed cottage on the lake front at Queenstown. But that was before the town became a tourist mecca of expensive motels and street names in Japanese. Before, somewhere along the line, the cottage was saved and preserved as something of historic interest (which largely proves that where historic places are concerned, age is far more important than architectural merit).

The Historic Places Trust of New Zealand advises that its address is 21 Marine Parade; other experts say it's No. 19. It's the oldest house in the town, named after John Williams who built it around 1864. It's now a café.

Why they called it Marine Parade when it's nowhere near the sea defeats me.  


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