13 February 2012

Our 1960 Journey to A New Life in New Zealand. 3.

This is a diary from 1960. The actual entries are in typewriter font. Added comments are in red. The photographs are from that date, some in colour (expensive in those days).

[Every day we joined a bunch of young people on the after deck. Many of them were returning to Australia after a year or so in Britain]

15th January

Spent morning playing deck tennis and quoits, some benefit from the exercise. Noticeable increase in the amount of shipping probably due to the convergence of shipping lanes as we approach the entrance to the Med. Spanish coast appeared at midday in haze, later much clearer. Hilly with trees and sandy patches. Africa (Morocco) appeared later and then Gib.

Everybody excited at seeing Gib. Very impressive. Took photographs of western side. Lloyds signalled for identity and destination. The east face of Gib. is covered in a layer of concrete to catch the condensation to supplement water supplies.

Now running up towards Genoa. Saw some porpoises jumping earlier.

[The narrative gives little impression of the almost childish wonder and excitement of two young people who had never stepped out of England before and were now embarked upon the adventure of a lifetime!]


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